One crew was there solely to tape plastic on the windows. And then the glass man came.
Hello, glass man!
He came in and chatted with me for a little bit. Friendly fellow.
Bumps in the window still were what initially tipped them off to the water damage--for example, mine had one corner rather higher than the others. So after they replaced the glass and scraped out the yucky bits from the exterior wall, they had to replace the windowsills. Crew number three.
Let me show you the before windowsill. A thing of beauty, no? Despite the duct tape and plastic sheeting.
Sure, there was a bit of a bump, but it didn't actually bother me. I mean, I had a plant on the sill. Nothing was exactly in peril.
Nonetheless, who doesn't want a shiny new windowsill professionally installed? Who would mind the strong, lingering scent of an adhesive that smells made of sour breath if it meant your building was repaired correctly this time?
Behold the after:
Way to go, guys. Way to go.
Wow, that's pretty pathetic.