That glowy green button was Mom's best friend while she was waiting for surgery. Every time it turned bright green, she could press it and get a hit of morphine.
Yay, morphine! Unfortunately after she got out of surgery she wasn't on one of these anymore. Instead, they had her on nurse-applied morphine. She was supposed to get a dose once every hour. But the world's crankiest nurse was on duty that night. The nurse would only come in every hour and a half to two hours. It got longer as we begged her to come in and do her job, like she was punishing mom for asking. Not a fun night, that.
We really missed the self-administered morphine.
I love that self-medicate button! "Is the light on yet??" They just don't let you keep it for very long. Darn them. You should've gone out to the nurses station and yelled at them to give her her medicine, just like that scene in "Terms of Endearment"! :D