One of the things she knows is that many hospitals have the option to send cards to a patient. You fill it out online and they print it out and deliver it the next day. So she corralled nearby family together and began the sending. This shelf of cards was just the beginning...
Steph and I spent a long time trying to decide on just the right bouquet to send ourselves. We finally narrowed it down to a collection of pink flowers in a pink vase. These blushing lilies were a part of it.
Later in the week, a new bouquet came from Jen's family. Cheery and bright, it came with a balloon attached. A balloon that somehow had hypnotic powers for both mom and me. It would turn gently back and forth as if surveying the room and we would just stare at it...and, apparently, assign it special powers.
Mom was on meds. I don't know what my problem was. :)
You were hilarious on the phone about the balloon. I'm glad it amused you both so much! :)