Thursday, January 7, 2010

Day 245

Mom and Don got married on Christmas Day 2008. For their anniversary gift this year, Steph and I got them the presidential suite at the resort at which Steph works, along with some treats and things to enjoy. Boxing Day morning Steph, my brother-in-law Matt, and I went over to their suite to open presents by the fireplace. Yes, fireplace.

I could cheerfully live in this hotel room. It's far nicer than any apartment I'd ever be able to afford. Though I did notice that there's not a lot of wall space left for bookshelves, but I'm sure we could work something out.

I was trying to take a picture of the dining area here. I told Matt to look classy.

I think we may have different definitions of classy.


Bathroom! Heavens to Betsy, this was gorgeous.

Bedroom! Complete with extra flatscreen tv.

And, of course, the inevitable hotel pear made of twigs. No hotel room is complete without one, right?


  1. I know, right?! And I forgot to take a picture of the entryway, complete with beautiful coattree/seat thing that I can't think of the name for right now.
