I had great plans of baking a variety of sugar cookies. I even had a simple little recipe for the dough and several different ways to enchance it (cranberries and almonds, brown sugar, orange juice frosting, etc.). And then I realized it was Thursday. So I went out and bought cookies instead. And one of these.
Now, my biggest thing for coffee break is presentation. I'm a big believer that everything tastes better when it's set out in a pretty way. I don't go overboard (well, I don't always) but it's so simple to at least take things out of their box and arrange them on a plate. And voila! You instantly have something that's more appetizing. It's true! They've done studies!
So I brought my fancy glass and ceramic saucers from home and made little paper tents with each cookie variety written on it, commandeered use of the nearest poinsettia, and arranged things as symmetrically as possible. (I actually had to rearrange things from their perfect symmetry when I realized that I had only made one sign per type of cookie. The horror!) As a finishing touch, I pulled out a boombox (see it in the background below--next to the toaster oven?) and a cd of Christmas instrumentals.
These Swedish cookies were a big hit, followed by a tie between the Ginger-Lemon cremes and that swiss roll up there.
Now I just have to come up with something to bring for birthday treats next week. Maybe something *I* like, this time!
I'm still drooling.
ReplyDeleteI'm so hungry now.