Friday, June 26, 2009

Day Sixty-One

I caught this little bird sitting on this post doing a strange St. Vitus's dance of fluff and furbelow. I could not imagine what the lad was doing, but he was into it enough that he took no notice of me taking a picture.

Here it cries, "Behold me, all you lesser beings! I am mighty! I am brave! I am he of whom sparrow ladies dream and for whom they swoon!"

"For," he continued, "I am the brawniest of hunters. I have felled the great bug of the ages, the likes of which no one has before seen."

And lo, I saw the bug. And it was mighty, indeed.

Oh, brave, brave Sir Sparrow!


  1. Is he eatting a spider?

    amy m.

  2. No--click on the picture. It's a winged buggy of some kind.

  3. How fun is that!? Mostly because of your narration, but still..
