Monday, June 15, 2009

Day Fifty

On this auspicious day fifty, I honor young imagination.

So I'm loafing about on Sunday afternoon and I hear a pounding noise. I look up and on the hill outside the building next door, I see something I think is completely awesome. There's a kid with a stick easily as long as he is tall. And he's scraping down the end with a rock. I kid you not.

It was pretty clear he was trying to make a staff. He would occasionally set the rock down and go over the staff with his hands, brushing the debris from the end. He cut some marks in a couple of places that looked like he wanted a good handhold.

And then when he was done, he stood up and started spinning the staff through the air, jabbing and twirling, the very picture of one of Robin Hood's merry men.

It was pretty darn cool.


  1. My first thought was "lightsaber", which means I spend too much time on the internet.

  2. Or in the modern era, which I clearly do not. :) Star Wars never occurred to me.

    I'm still gonna say staff instead of lightsaber, though, because it was nearly five feet long. And because it's cooler in my "fantasy vs. sci fi" head.
