This is my scarf. My scarf is long and colorful and goes beautifully with my bright red coat and almost anything I wear underneath said coat.
And it always reminds me of Jody.
Lo, these many years ago, when she was still living in Muskegon and I was still in GR the first time around (before the Iowa years), I went out to visit her. Somehow we ended up at Goodwill. I'm sure we were there to score cheap books, but I found this cheery accessory in a bin.
It cost me all of a dollar. The whole '80s fashion thing wasn't in yet; we were still in the midst of the early '70s redo. The '80s were still laughable (as, I feel, they should mostly continue to be). So no one else was interested in this scarf that made me smile.
And I started getting compliments on it from the first time I wore it.
Also? It keeps me very warm.
Its so cheerful!