Autumn leaves have an artistic flair difficult to match. And yet don't you sometimes wish for the bravery to array yourself in glorious raiment and collect the admiring glances you just know would come your way?
For example, I have a sudden urge to paint my nails in a very unusual French manicure. Maybe bright green with a scarlet tips?
Nah, it'd probably look tacky on me. This tree totally pulls it off, though.
My friend Adam thinks of fall as a sad time of dying, of wasting away. He finds it a little depressing, I think.
I, on the other hand, look at trees like these and see utter joy. Yes, there is death to come, but they will not meet it with resignation. They see it coming and shout defiance, bravely throwing off the summer persona to reveal the brilliance of their true selves, shaking boldness and colorful laughter into the air.
Extravagant beauty: it can be found in any season, but autumn really brings it, don't you think?
Geez, Adam, way to be a downer. :P