Monday, September 14, 2009

Day 139

When I worked at the Daily Iowegian I got several really amazing fireworks shots at the county fair. So many that we couldn't choose just one and had to feature several in the photo spread for the fair.

Apparently that was a fluke. Perhaps it was due solely to the much nicer camera I was using at the time. Maybe all my muscles have gotten shakier since then. Whatever the case, I've not gotten any really good shots of fireworks since then.

Nevertheless, I quite like this one. I like how it looks like it's sort of clawing its way down the sky. (This really is one that's better if you click on it to make it bigger).

It's a bit like one of those crayon drawings kids do. You know, where you scribble a million colors on a page and then you cover all of them with black--and then you scratch through the black to reveal colors underneath. Do you remember those?


  1. I couldn't think of what it reminded me of other than an artistically burning building but you are right it does look like on of those pictures where you do a bunch of colors and then cover it with black and scrape it away. I actually had to do one of those in one of my college art classes. I felt like I should be eatting milk and cookies afterwords or something but it was quite fun!

    Amy M.

  2. I loved the black crayon art projects! My brother and I would team up with me doing the colors and him covering it in black so it would go quicker.
