Thursday, July 9, 2009

Day Seventy-Four

On Monday, Vicky loaned me her nice Canon DSLR. So Steph and I trundled off to Townsend Park and did a massive photo shoot. Many good pictures were had; this picture has been approved for public posting by Steph.

Ladies and gentlemen, without further ado, my sister!


  1. I love the contrast of her eyes against her hair, and her hair against the green of the grass. That is a great picture Kasey!
    amy m.

  2. Wow, a picture of your sister! That's so rare. You should share some more with me, your BFF.

  3. Did you climb a tree to get this shot? ;)

    Very nice photo! Are you desperate for a DSLR now?(I mean, more than you already were)
