Thursday, April 29, 2010


In my college photography class (lo, these many years ago), we learned how to develop our own black and white pictures. But everything color we sent out to a lab to be turned into slides.

That's how I discovered how much I LOVE slides. They're so honest. There's no image manipulation and no color change depending on paper or machine ink.

Earlier this week I pulled out a couple of my old slides and went super-meta, taking pictures of these tiny pictures.

Starring my friend Randy.

I love how dreamy this one is, held up against the woods so that the trees cast a green glow on the small scene.

There's a whole story in my head about that picture. It looks like he could just step out of the slide and into the continuing world of trees beyond.

This one I just like the graphic feel of it. The slide shot is a little blurry (not the original, mind you, just this new shot), but I don't mind. And I really like how he's caught in the circle of the lens.

Yes, I was going to take a hiatus from this blog. Then I decided that I'll just post when I feel like it, not when I don't.

So far, I've felt like it. :)