Lest you think we did nothing on vacation but go to the beach, I offer photographic proof. Saturday morning we walked into town to go the Empire Farmer's Market. I have to say, I was really looking forward to this. We were planning to get fresh veggies and fruit and eggs and possibly bread and all manner of delicious vacationy things.
I think I've been spoiled by our huge, bustling farmer's market. Because I was definitely expecting too much. There were six little tents at this market--and one of them was full to bursting with nothing but random stuffed animals. I kid you not.
Which is not to say there was no produce to be had.
And, as you know, it's apple season in Michigan. At this same booth were bushels and bushels of apples. Yay! Megan bought a few each of the Sweet Tango and the Honeycrisp and we took them home, secure in the knowledge that our walk to town had not been in vain.
And I'll have you know that this apple was just for me. Because I squeed like a little fan girl at the sight of the adorable, still-attached leaf, all jaunty and flag-like. I was mocked by both my companions and the helpful farm boys selling the fruit.
But I got my leafy apple. So I didn't mind a bit.
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