Tuesday, May 25, 2010

New friends

This is Frank.

Frank joined us in the middle of Indiana when we stopped to take four thousand pictures of the wind farm. Frank was surprisingly trainable, actually. I couldn't get my camera to focus on him at first and when I did, he crawled to the edge of the gear shaft. I scolded him ("No, Frank, I need you centered! You don't show up on the edge!") and herded him back to the top. Where he posed nicely for a couple of pictures to the amazement of Cindy and Jody. I never doubted, though. I had faith in Frank all along.

Then I thanked him and sent him on his sluggish way.

Frank, ladies and gentlemen.


  1. I can't help wanting to smoosh Frank.

  2. I'm getting sorta sick of looking at Frank, frankly. New post?
