Monday, November 16, 2009

Day 200


This is day 200 and I was going to be all festive and do something seriously awesome (though I hadn't determined what) and celebrate and all that. And instead, I forgot to post entirely. Friend Holly and I had the following exchange at about 3:30 Friday afternoon:
Hols-- "ps. you have not yet posted on your photoblog today …"
Me -- "ARGH! No. No, I haven't. Thanks for reminding me. :) "

After which, it promptly dropped out of my brain again.

And then TODAY I was home sick in the morning and didn't post the required four posts. I'll be doing that now, if you don't mind.


  1. I think somethings wrong with me. I read kerplop and thought... I wonder what language that is?

  2. Heh. One of my friends asked, "Is that someone's name?"

    Mission: Confusing Picture a success!
